Construction Engineering (UBT College Kosovo)
6 June 2022 2022-07-18 9:29Construction Engineering (UBT College Kosovo)
Construction Engineering (UBT College Kosovo)
Civil and construction engineering is certainly one of the fundamental sciences in every country and city’s development. It is a field that needs focused attention and extensive research. Much of the infrastructure of every country is built by construction engineers. Therefore, the significant role of this field in a society can never be denied. The Civil engineering program offered by UBT is one of the best programs in this field in the whole world. The curriculum of this program is designed according to guidelines of European Civil Engineering Education and Training (EUCEET) organization. It also follows the standard principles set by AsBau, which is the German association of civil engineers and US ABET, the accreditation commission of US. Thus, this program is a world-class program that is accepted by all civil engineering companies and firms.
Never can the importance of research be denied in civil engineering. Not only do we talk about research on new developments of the field, but also research on the already existent materials to ensure their quality. Students who are enrolled in this program have access to various facilities which would help them in both conducting research and testing the material used in different projects. The university offers concrete testing and aggregate testing facilities in its laboratories to its students.
The graduates of this program are going to be able to apply their knowledge in to practice. They will be critical thinkers and can find innovative solution to various problems during the project. They can understand different issues, and understand the interaction between design and construction. They will also be able to plan large scale projects, be a part of the team and conduct research at the project, since all these skills are taught in the program. Finally, the main aim of this program is the capability of its graduates in applying the learned knowledge and skills in professional situations.