Computer Science (UBT College Kosovo)


Computer Science (UBT College Kosovo)

As the greatest demand of the new millennium, science of computer and technology is being taught to students all over the world. The discipline is a fast growing one which demands extensive research on its every aspect. The program offered by UBT college of Kosovo is a research-oriented program in computer science that is in line with the best computer science programs offered by the best universities in this field. The program offers introductory and then more specific courses which are similar to those offered in Stanford, Princton or Washington university. Thus, it is an internationally accepted program with high standards and great quality. Students enrolled at this program can focus their research in all areas of computer science, such as big data, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and etc.

The university and the faculty offering this program are equipped with the latest and most modern equipment of the day.  Modern and up to date amenities are more than necessary in all computer laboratories and this university has tried to provided all the best possible facilities in the country. There are laboratories and computer centers focused on Java, Android, MatLAb, Adobe, Microsoft office and etc.

By preparing these laboratories and offering practical courses, the curriculum aims at leading its students towards theoretical and practical skills which will be useful in the labor market. Graduates of this program are mostly employed by governmental and private companies in Kosovo and other European countries. Teaching operational knowledge is the first and most important aim of this program.  Its second aim is preparing students to work in different disciplines. Students are prepared for rapid changes of the field. It is a high-quality program that is designed by international educational approaches, and educates students to work at various international industrial units.